Chinese energy arts

Le Tai Chi is a traditional Chinese martial art often described as meditation in motion. The online Tai Chi classes offered here focus on the 108-movement form of the Yang style. A "form" is a fluid sequence of precise postures, linked together with harmony and control. Meanwhile, Qi Gong is a complementary practice based primarily on the repetition of movements or the holding of static postures. Here, the teaching focuses on the 8 Pieces of Brocade, a series of exercises designed to strengthen vital energy and improve the circulation of Qi. These classes are both informative and suitable for independent practice. They will teach you how to channel your energy, regain vitality, and cultivate serenity. Additionally, they will help you reduce stress and enhance your overall well-being by developing a greater awareness of your body.

Online Tai Chi and Qi Gong actively contribute to strengthening the body and the immune system. Rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, these two energetic practices promote balance, coordination, and grounding. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, these online classes provide detailed and progressive guidance. Available in French and English, they are accessible to everyone. Each lesson also includes clear explanations with a slow-motion mode to facilitate learning. To go further, you can also explore our articles on the benefits of online Tai Chi and Qi Gong. There, you will find practical advice for optimal progress. Finally, for personalized guidance and form corrections, live video sessions on Skype are also available.